Saturday, April 19, 2014

Royal Journeys - Custom Made Travel Experience in a Price of a Ticket

Who wouldn't like to get pampered with a Luxurious treatment during a train journey? There are few countries in the World which offer some real Royal Journeys, which are custom made for a unique travel experience. A well known array of Royal Trains can be found in India, which also lets the tourist’s discover the Indian heritage, their hospitality as well as their culture and traditions. Luxury trains in this country are mostly meant to the royalties of the states of India and these are also an important part of the Indian Tourism. These trains offer the best of the royal treatments while in travel to the various destinations in India.

The Tourism of India presently has three trains which are the Palace on Wheels, Heritage on Wheels and the Deccan Odyssey. All these trains are provided with the luxuries like that of a five star hotel and the auras of these are of besieging royalty. Any tourist feels like a Royal Monarch while on the journey on these trains. All the services provided in these trains fulfil the dreams of those who wanted to live in royalty and enjoy the good life. All the three trains are completely air conditioned and they also serve various kinds of cuisines like the Indian, Chinese as well as exotic Continental meals. The most luxurious of all the three is the Palace on Wheels which travels from the royal terrains of the state of Rajasthan from the North India.  Most of these have luxurious cabins, carpeting across the walls, completely stocked bar, two cars for dining and above all a warm and a personalized service.

Another well known Luxurious Train which is well known in the World is The Royal Scotsman. This is known to be a very effortless way to travel across the splendor of Scotland and in absolute luxury. This Luxurious train has a very less travelers and has an environment and hence one can relish the complete care and warmth of the crew and wait for everything to unfold in its own time.

The Royal Scotsman of Scotland was initially launched in May 1985 but the train which is in the current form can be dated back the year 1990. The original carriages which were a part of this luxurious train were leased for five years and the train went on to become a great success. The Royal Scotsman was also awarded The Queens Award for the Export Achievement in the year 1988.  

The tourists from across the World visit these two countries to travel in these luxurious cabins. If you are one of those travelling from United States, do remember to complete all the formalities related to the travel with the US immigration. The details about the same can also be found on the US immigration website or the tourists can also get more information from the embassy itself.
A journey on any of these luxury trains is indeed a journey to remember, and will it be the most luxurious train journey that you ever had-it’s up to you to decide.  


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