Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ultimate Destinations to Visit in San Francisco

The city of San Francisco is estimated to have about 16 million tourists every year, with the numbers increasing year by year. San Francisco attracts large number of visitors and one of the main reasons for it are the number of interesting sites which are found in and around the city. If you are one of those planning to visit this astonishing place of San Francisco, then do follow our list of must visit ultimate destinations in San Francisco.
No visit is considered complete without paying a visit to some of these popular destinations. Let us know have a look at the sampling of a few:

1.      California Palace of the Legion of Honor: The California Palace of the Legion of Honor is located at 34th Avenue and Clement Street and a visit to this place is going to be an art experience which anyone won’t want to miss. This building was built in the year 1924 and the Legion of Honor is a replica of the Palais de La Légion d'Honneur, which is located in Paris. The replica is at the size of three quarter of the actual model and was built in the hour of the 3600 Californians who have lost their lives in the battlefield of France during the time of World War I.

2.      Alcatraz: Alcatraz is the name of the small island which is located few miles of San Francisco and this was used as a military prison in the year 1907. It was later used as a Federal Prison in the 1930s and used to house the most hardened criminals. Some of its famous prisoners are George Kelly, Floyd Hamilton and Al Capone. It was in the year 1973 that Alcatraz became a tourist attraction after it was incorporated into the National parks system.

3.      Chinatown:  Chinatown is located near North Beach which has the Grant Avenue and Bush Street as its boundaries. This is known to be the home of the largest Asian population outside the country China. One can find amazing food and some stalls for good shopping. The famous of Chinatown is the Mee Mee bakery which is located at 1328 Stockton; this is known as the originator of the famous fortune cookie.

4.      The Golden Gate Park: The Golden Gate Park is a great place to spend the entire day. For people who love to explore, the part has a Strybing Arboretum which is a garden spread in 70 acres which has blooming tress, herbs, flowers and ponds with ducks. The park also has a Stow Lake and Spreckels Lake where one can spend some time boating. There is also the Bison Paddock which is an exhibit of the San Francisco where one can find Bison’s.

5.      Union Square:  Union Square is the place to be for serious shoppers. There are several buses available to travel to his place and it is also a short walk away from most of the famous hotels. One can find various stores for shopping and you can strike a good deal if you are really lucky.

There are many other places which one can visit in San Francisco. If you are planning to pay a visit to San Francisco and need assistance with Visa then talk to Esta USA who would provide all the needed assistance to obtain a Visa to USA.


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