About Us

We at Content Column have a specialized group of writers who are trained to adapt to virtually any style and need of writing. With the advent of the internet and the primal importance given these days to visible and extremely effective advertising about one’s products and/or services, the culture of marketing has radically changed in the past few years throughout the world. We at CC understand this change and are therefore in a position to adapt to these new and untested waters in order to provide extremely sharp and eye catching content which is unique. Our content is 100% new and original every time and is open to verification by clients.

The host of writing services that we provide includes:

Web Content Writing: We provide clients with effective and unique content that can instantly boost the aspect of a company’s website thereby instantly attracting traffic and subsequent sales of the business owner.

Blogs, Newsletters and Article forum Development: One of the major marketing platforms to have mushroomed after the revolution of social media and networking, our writers at Content Column can provide creative, original and highly compelling content that makes for highly effective and visible advertising.

SEO Content writing with keyword intensive articles: One of the primary considerations for internet websites these days, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is basically setting up the content and the headers on a website in a way that their rankings on search engines go up. We know that when someone carries out a search on Google, they only look through the first ten links. Our SEO articles help clients get their website links to the top.

Website Content Development: Another major service that we provide, our writers can craft out entire contents of websites which are calculated to provide clear, crisp and engaging information which is a boon to any new or old business owner.

Product reviews and descriptions: Our team of writers also caters to those looking for general and technical reviews of individual or entire product lines. These reviews are crafted with real time and reliable information and are extremely effective.

Creative Writing: Creative writing is one of the oldest art forms known to man and we at Content Column pay homage to it every day. Essays, compositions, theories and any other such creative content is catered to by us.

Technical Writing: For those who need technical and precise texts, theses and dissertations, our writers are experienced in putting together extremely professional texts that make for great presentations and immaculate showcasing.


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