Monday, April 28, 2014

Flush the Fat Away With the 21 Day Juice Fast

In the age old battle against obesity and the quest for detoxification, diets and fasts have long held baton as the primary warriors. These diets are of varied types and come from various different scientific and bio chemical principles. A good diet plan coupled with an ideal exercise regime is the considered the ideal and the best way to live universally. Although the routes and means of following this principle are different, the central ideal remains the expulsion of foreign wastes and fat along with overall growth in the immunity, health and strength of the body’s constitution. The 21 day Juice fast is one such detox diet, which is primarily employed for complete detoxification of the body in order to cleanse and refresh the system.

Ideally, people embarking on these diets undertake it for a week or 21 days and in this duration, only juices of fruits and vegetables are consumed. These juices are basically carbohydrates that are extremely digestible. Persons following the fast cannot continue it for long periods of time as it entails absolutely no solid foods.

The fruits and vegetables that can be used are as follows:

·        Greens- Spinach, Beet greens, parsley, etc
·        Root Vegetables- Sweet potatoes, Carrots and beets
·        Fruits- Lemon, Apple, Grape and some berries
·        Wheatgrass- Spirulina and Juice
·        Vegetables- Cucumber, Celery, Bell peppers, Cabbage and Broccoli

This kind of fast however, is very intensive on the body and may produce adverse side effects on the body. Generally the 21 day Juice fast is only advised to those who are fit and normal in their physical and mental states. The fast is not advisable for people such as:
·        Pregnant Women
·       People with conditions such as: Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Infections, Cancer, Epilepsy and so on.
·        People taking prescription medication
·        People undergoing or recently undergone surgery.

The juice fast is extremely beneficial in the intake of vitamins and nutrients. These nutrients help in expunging all foreign substances from the body while also developing a reserve of immunity in the system. Done correctly and under supervision by a health expert, these fasts are extremely useful in cleansing the entire body and also help in battling various addictions such as smoking, caffeine and so on.

The juice fast requires the use of fresh and organic fruit and vegetable juice as these have shown the greatest results. However sometime people may be hard pressed to find these juices thereby commercial sale juice can be used. The diet pattern requires 32-64 ounces of juice intake per day with absolutely no solid foods. The basic thinking remains that since less energy is consumed in digesting the juice, the remainder of the strength of the digestive system can be used to battle the toxins in the body. As such, the targeted areas may include the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and pancreas.

Typically, the juice fast can be undertaken only from 1-3 days continuously. Prolonged fasting may have adverse effects on the body as other nutrients that are found in solid foods are not received by the body. Also, since juices contain no fibres, people may require enemas or laxatives during these fasts to keep their system clean of excess water. If you serious about the 21 day juice fast, be careful about the dehydration and weakness which can be caused due to this. For some, such diets can also cause low blood sugar levels. 


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