Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tips to Keep in Mind While Investing In Penny Stocks

Before beginning to provide readers with tips and tricks of investing in penny stocks, it is prudent to properly enlighten people about what a penny stock is. A penny stock is basically a stock of any company that is being traded under $5 per share. This is the definition given by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As such, there are a few that believe that penny stocks are those which are traded under $3 and some others who believe that the stocks traded under $1 are considered penny stocks. The generally idea is that the stock prices are extremely small and investors are given the chance to buyout hundreds if not thousands and sometimes even millions of these stocks of companies that are not yet listed on any exchange but are on pink slips. They make for a high risk sometimes high profit investment which is very short term in nature. By saying short term, it is meant that these investments life-spans rarely exceed 24 hours and most of them are through in a matter of minutes. These stocks are generally ideal for those who have taken care of their long term needs and investments and have some liquid risk money on hand. Although rare, these stocks have been known to give out massive payoffs sometimes with returns of more than 1000%. These cases however, are very rare and generally they make for a moderate profit if invested and timed correctly.
Investors would do well to keep in mind the following tips while making an investment in penny stocks:
·         Research on company: In depth research of the company whose stocks are being purchased is one of the most important things that are to be carried out. This provides people with tangible information about the fate of the stock, its rise and/or fall and so on. Knowing the financial background and position of the company also helps investors in making sure that their investments are not wasted on dying stocks and the company’s they are investing in do not harm their portfolio.
·         Research of market and company liquidity: This is perhaps the only yardstick that can be used to measure the integrity of the investment and the accruing returns or losses. Because of the high risk involved in investing in these unlisted companies, people should find out the financial and liquid position of the company, its debts and the market position. This will give them an idea of the payout or loss entailing the investment.     
·         Buying the right Stock: It is advisable for people to buy low priced stocks of companies with good intrinsic value. As such, this builds the liquidity of the company and acts as a safeguard against losses to the investor due to insolvency. The stronger the liquidity of the company, the better the chances of profits and lower the risk of losses due to insolvency of going under. 
·         Splitting the investment Capital: Splitting the investment capital to invest in two or more companies of different kinds can ensure a bit of stability in the returns on the investment. As such, while waiting for the stock to skyrocket, people can make a series of stable and moderate profits through this principle.
·         Choosing the right broker: Although most penny stocks are dealt only through online brokers, there are a few that are dealt on exchanges. It is therefore important that people find the right broker in order to secure their investment. Unfortunately there are various brokers and parties that defraud people by advising their customers to invest in companies that have been pumped to a very large extent. Just before the bubble bursts, the brokers pull out their stake and they also charge a hefty fee from the customers and then abandon them. The damage caused can be catastrophic in nature.
·         Focus on short term trading: Penny stocks are excellent for all those who want to indulge in short time investments with a little risk money. As such, they are not ideal as long term investments as their security and stability cannot be guaranteed in any way. People are advised again to fulfill their long term commitments before they invest in these stocks.

·         Choosing the right stocks: Choosing the right stocks is basically a combination of finding reliable and correct information about the company, the liquidity and the market. People would do well to invest in high volume stocks with good liquidity as these are the stocks that can provide optimum results. 


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