Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Things you Must Know While Selecting an Engine Oil for Your Car

Everyone who owns a car would know the importance of changing the engine oil, be it a new one or even if it has travelled some thousand kilometres. One might wonder as to why the car motor oil needs to be changed and also if there is any way to reduce the number of times the oil is to be changed for the car. The main reason for the oil change is that it becomes contaminated over time. None of us want to play with the significance of this engine oil as this helps to lubricate the engine of the car and also helps to reduce fiction. Similar to the saying that all the good things come to an end, so is the case with the engine oils for the car. As the vehicles are subjected to heavy leads, the oil breaks down with time and the protective properties of this oil also tend to diminish.

The life span of the engine oil entirely depends on the kind of oil which is used like the mineral or the synthetic or the semi synthetic types. The span also depends on the kind of abuse which is taken by the engine of the car. In normal cases, the mineral engine oil would last at about 5,000 kilometres and about 7,000 kilometres in case of semi synthetic and about 10,000 in cases of usage of fully synthetic engine oil. 
So, checking the oil in the car is a regular activity which one needs to follow. If you are wondering as to how to select the best lubricating oil for your car engine, we have pointed some important things you must know while selecting the engine oil for your car.  This information is not only useful as a car owner but also come handy if you are preparing for the driving theory test online.

The most important things which one needs to check before selecting the oil is the viscosity grade and the quality indicators. These are also termed as SAE or Society of Automotive Engineers.

By Viscosity, we refer to the flow ability of the oil which is used and this is bound to change with the temperature. The Viscosity is high with low temperatures and it decreases with the increase in temperatures. The engine oil needs to be of low Viscosity as it helps in circulating more quickly and easily and can reach all the parts of the engine in no time. For situations where the engine would need thick oil to protect the fast moving components , high Viscosity oils like the multi grade oils can be used.

When looking for quality indicators, the key factor to consider is the API classification mark which is indicated on the bottle of the engine oil. All the engine oils are sent through various tests and all the set standards are to be met well before the oils can be accredited. The mark indicates the quality of the oil and the commonly used categories by the API are the S and C categories. If you really want to differentiate between the various kinds of oils and their standards, then one can get the information from the data sheet of the oil. Check the user manual of the car to understand more about the recommended oil which suits the car and the climate in which it is used.

It is advised to monitor the level of the engine oil regularly as it moves above or goes below the max and the min marks. For a smoother operation of your car, do pamper it with the best engine oil available. 


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