Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Causes of Yellowing of Teeth

Bad food habits and a bad oral hygiene cause teeth to become yellow. The persons who consume tea, coffee and wine are more likely than others to get yellow teeth. Smoking and using tobacco also harms the teeth by staining them. The consumption of water with high fluoride content also causes teeth to become yellow. A prolonged intake of antibiotics like tetracycline and deoxycycline also may lead to yellowing of teeth. Some genetic causes may also bring about the yellowing of teeth. Children may have stained or discolored teeth and it may prove difficult to be removed by simple brushing etc. The use of blue light technology might prove to be helpful in these cases. The dentin present under the teeth enamel becomes exposed after the person reaches a particular age. This causes teeth to appear yellow. The teeth can be prevented from becoming yellow by proper and regular brushing. The teeth should not remain exposed to food. Smoking, consumption of wines, beverages like tea and coffee should be made in controlled amounts or must be prevented altogether in order to avoid yellowing of teeth.

Yellow teeth-treatment
A large variety of methods are available for treatment of yellow teeth. These may be simple, free or expensive. The choice of these methods is based on personal preferences, budget and extent of damage done to the teeth. One of the simplest methods is to use mouthwash. It works on less stained teeth. The use of whitening pastes may also be of help to improve teeth whitening. Yellow teeth may be treated by bleaching and this has to be cone by the dentist. A highly concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide is used to treat yellow teeth. The treatment takes about an hour or so and gives relief for a couple of years. The simplest version of this is to use strips or trays. Porcelain strips called veneers can be permanently placed over the teeth and this can last for 10 to 15 years. It is an expensive and effective treatment for yellow teeth but the side effects of this procedure are not well known. The other expensive method for the whitening of teeth is the use of blue light whitening method. The teeth are subjected to laser beam and light with hydrogen peroxide concentration. This is an easy method to clean yellow teeth.

Pearly teeth and a flashy smile
“Teeth whitening” is the process of applying some form of whitening gel though the use of teeth covers to whiten the enamel of the teeth which may have got discolored for any variety of reasons. Although this process is purely cosmetic, its mental effects on the patient are dazzling to say the least. The confidence of a pure white teethed smile which capture attentions to say the least is rarely seen in any other such procedure. As such, there are several ways that dentists use to carry out the whitening process. There are also various whitening kits that can be used by people at home, but the procedure when carried out by an expert with great care and knowledge leaves the best and most long lasting results.
There are several causes to tooth staining over the years. These include:
·         Tobacco intake
·         Coffee
·         Food intake (when the mouth is not properly cleansed after a meal)
·         Teeth grinding
·         Aging
·         Injury or trauma to the oral region
·         Side effects of medicine or chemical intake
As such, these are some of the main causes that can cause stains on the enamel. It being porous, it absorbs these stains which make them long lasting and in some cases permanent. As such, the process to whitening of the teeth primarily entails the use of a whitening gel which is peroxide based. First, the patient’s mouth is measured and molds for trays to hold the gel and to enwrap the teeth are created. Once they are ready, dentists will then apply the gel and leave it on for a period of 30 minutes. Once this is done, patients are then given a schedule as to when and how much time they have to keep applying the gel. Upon completion of the course, patients will find that the results are extremely pleasing to the eye. 


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